Kids Braces And Myofunctional

Kids Braces And Myofunctional

Kids Braces

Can kids get braces too? Many parents still believe you must wait for kids to turn 15 or 16 to get their braces on. But you can start child braces (interceptive/preventive orthodontics) as early as 6 years old.

Child jaw and teeth develops as they grow and will only mature at approximately 16-18 years old. The goal of early orthodontic intervention is to guide jaw and facial growth while they are still growing and prevent the progression of problems.

Does your child need braces?

Look into these signs in your child and book an appointment with our dentist to discuss further.


Some children develop wrong bite due to the existing bad oral habits at very young age. These habits are as

  • Mouth Breathing
  • Tongue Thrusting
  • Thumb sucking
  • Lip Biting
  • Incorrect Swallowing

these habits tend to affect the growth of jaw and teeth and lead to malocclusion.

Myofunctional treatment is where we try to correct habits, and to an extent prevent malocclusion without the use of braces. The common appliances used for myofunctional treatment are

Functional Appliance

Our doctors at Ti Dental will assess if your child may need a myofunctional orthodontics, this treatment can start as early as 4 years old.